Friday, May 31, 2024

Almost June

Goodness this year is going fast, I can't believe it - it's almost Camo's birthday month, and then on to the actual middle of the year. Whew!

This week I've managed to get a little hand quilting done - I don't think this quilt is going to be done any time soon, so it's a good thing I'm just loving it!

I think I have three blocks left in the centre area to quilt, and then it's on to the borders. Happiness!

I've also been itching to do some simple piecing, and I was thinking about using some of my feedsack fabrics again. When I made a baby quilt for little Mary, the texture of the quilt after it was hand quilted was just divine, so I wanted to recreate that feeling ...

A double Irish chain is what I've settled on, and I'll use my pink and blue feedsacks with white Osnaburg. This is only my first block, but I've cut out several more. It won't take long to put together and I'll have itched the scratch for easy piecing.

Tonight I'm painting heads again, something I've also done a lot of this week. I am so surprised and thrilled with how many orders have been coming in. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - it thrills me that people are trusting me with their crafting needs.

At the moment I'm working on heads for the Ebenezer series, and on little elves heads in different colourways. I've also been stocking up as I go, as it's not even the busy time of the year for my Etsy store yet.

I shall sign off here so I can get some more work done before bed, and I'll check back in with you all really soon. *hugs*


julieQ said...

Hi Tazzie, I have really enjoyed watching your quilt evolve over the years. Lovely!!! Hope you are doing great.

kiwikid said...

Nice to see the quilting progressing. Lovely block for your new project and the head population is growing!

Janet said...

every time I see the quilt I ooo and aw over it. It is just beautiful. Can't wait to see more of the pink and blue feed sack top.
The heads are so cute. I like your drying system.
Yes, you are absolutely right, the year is flying by.

dq said...

I am drooling over your applique' quilt. Hand quilting makes it even better!


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