Friday, February 21, 2025

Feb 21st

Hello friends, here we are almost at the end of February, and I'm looking back over the last few weeks wondering what I've actually achieved!

I'm still plugging away at hand quilting Lily Rosenberry, I'm very pleased with how it's progressing after being at a bit of a standstill for so long. It's hard to share pictures that look different to previous ones, but here is a new view all the same:

I was so thrilled to complete my dolls quilt for the Instagram #dollquiltswap2025 - it's winging it's way to the new owner on the other side of the world, and I hope they love it!

My parcel in the swap arrived on Thursday last week, and I was so thrilled to learn that Angela Homicz was my exchange partner. She is such a lovely person, and the quilt she made me is just darling:

Her parcel also included some beautiful wrapping paper, a very sweet little lavender sachet, some lovely Lenox china which is local to her, and a sweet piece of fabric which my grandies will love. I feel so very blessed and cannot thank Angela enough for her generosity. Linda from Quilts in the Barn has done such a wonderful job coordinating this exchange and I was so lucky to be able to participate.

I'm heading back into the sewing room to work on my hand quilting some more before I head to bed - here's hoping I can be organised and chatter with you again soon! xox


Gretchen Weaver said...

Lily is so beautiful, I drool over her every time you show us! The doll quilt you made is awesome! What a lovely design for a quilt. And the quilt you received back is so sweet, how big are those little house blocks?

Janet said...

Glad to hear progress is being made on the Lily quilting. I know I repeat myself but I just love the berry quilting. Your exchanges are amazing. Beautiful.
Happy quilting and have a great weekend.

loulee said...

Lovely swap quilts. Great to see progress on your quilting.


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