Saturday, May 18, 2024

Another Saturday post ...

I wanted to put a post up last night, and though my my mind was willing, my body wanted me to get some rest. So here we are. This has been the very best week - on Monday little Mushroom Chu-Chu arrived. Her name is Hazel Jane, and she is an adorable blonde bundle. Hazel was my Great Grandmother's name, which is such a lovely tribute, Amy has always been very family oriented, and Nanna was so pleased that her mother was honoured in this way. I won't share a picture just now, I want to run it past Amy first.

In other news, I finished the top of Cameron's aviation themed quilt, and it went together so easily. Once I got sewing I got it made in two days. Why did I linger so long over finishing it?

I do know that the blue fabric in the sashing was running low, and I have some recollection of being concerned about it. My original plan for the quilt is long gone from my mind, so I just built on what I'd assembled so far and put a border on it with the fabrics that I had on hand. And I think I have a 2in x 6in (approx) strip left over of the blue fabric, so it definitely was a close run thing. My darling friend Lizzy is going to quilt it for me, so I can check this project off my ever-long list. There are bits left overs from a couple of the fabrics, and they'll be great to use up later for donation quilts.

Later in the week I wanted to get busy on some mmmCrafts ornaments - I have a lot to make this year and don't want to leave it to the last minute:

These are the ones I've started off with - from the 12 days series. I'll be able to show them when they're finished too, but some of the ornaments I'll have to keep on the down low. They're lovely hand work, and somewhat portable too.

Last picture for the day - week 18 of the tiny nine patch blocks:

I'm so enjoying the little nine patches, and I think I've settled on how I'll set them together for the final quilt top. I'm not sure if I'll start working on that though, I should probably keep going on some of the other things I have on the go. It's not like me to have so many projects in various stages of construction, I'm flitting from one thing to another lately!

So that's going to be the extent of my post today, I have been busy painting bead heads for orders today (as well as visiting with my grandies) and I need to get back to painting. I'm always amazed by how many orders head out the door in a week, and very much appreciative too! Chatter soon friends xox


Gretchen Weaver said...

Congratulations on the new baby! The airplane quilt is really cute, perfect for a little boy. Happy stitching!

Pam said...

Congratulations on the new grandchild.

Janet said...

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter Hazel Jane. I love the name.
I hope mom and Hazel are both doing well.
Wow, you had a very productive week. Love the aviation quilt. Can't wait to see the ornaments. Hope you are cuddling with the grand kids. Enjoy

kiwikid said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your new grandchild. The plane quilt is gorgeous, often we leave things at a stage of unfinish (if that is a word!!) and when we go back wonder why we didn't finish it sooner. The tiny 9 patch blocks are growing well.

Chookyblue...... said...

3 million years behind in commenting........congrats on Hazel........the quilt looks great.......and I love the tiny nine patches........


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