Friday, April 26, 2024

So thrilled!

I've been working on a project over the last three days, and I'm so thrilled with how it's coming along. I'm using the opportunity to update some of the photos and instructions on my Dresden Plate Table Topper, but the main reason I'm stitching this is for a gift for Mother's Day. I'm pretty certain Mum doesn't do any reading here!

Yesterday and the day before I cut out and strip pieced the blades. Today I put it all together, basted and quilted it, and added the embellishments. Don't worry about the halo around the doily in the middle. I had just hit it with some spray starch and didn't want to wait until it dried before I took a picture.

All that's left to do now is to bind it, and I'll do that in a dark red fabric. I'm so happy with how it looks, it's going to be hard to give it away, but I know it'll be very much appreciated <3 <3

In other sewing, I've also caught up on more of the tiny nine patch blocks:

These are blocks from weeks eight and nine. I took the picture outside and it's weirdly blue, but I think the blocks in the front look true to colour. There are some really old fabrics in the blocks that I can see, definitely a Smithsonian in the front there, and I think also a Sarah Johnson print among others ...

And these blocks are from weeks ten and twelve - having completed week eleven a couple of weeks ago. Above you can see my little tray of squares cut and ready to go in upcoming blocks - it's like a trip down memory lane with some of these sweet prints.

I'd like to have a few more made before week sixteen is released in a few days, but I won't push myself, I actually have a huge list of things I'd like to achieve before Tuesday.

The last picture for this week is just a couple of things that made their way to me recently:

I think the fabric in the middle has the potential to be the binding fabric for the Morrell quilt when I eventually get there. The pink on the right is just because, as is the book - I do always love a sampler quilt!

Tonight I spent a few minutes on the party line with the Chook Shed stitchers - not especially talkative on my part as I was working away, but always fun to hear the chatter in the background. Nice to spend time with you ladies.

Well that's it from me for now - chatter soon friends xox


Rose Marie said...

The Dresdan table topper is sweet and your Mom will love it.

Janet said...

Yes, you mother is going to love it not only because it beautiful but especially made by her daughter.
Wow on the 9 patches. You have been busy.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Jeanette said...

The topper is so pretty. Love the little 9 patches. It was lovely to see you last night.

loulee said...

Your table topper looks great, I'm sure it will be loved.
Great to see you on zoom.

Susan said...

The Dresdan table topper looks great - clever idea with the embellishments.


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