Friday, July 21, 2023

What a chaotic week!

If you had asked me at the beginning of the week how my week was looking, I would have told you it was going to be a relatively quiet one, with a couple of outings and some lovely stretches of time in the sewing room. That's not really how things went ...

On Monday evening Marty came to me and said 'I think we've got a big problem', and to cut a very long story short, the main water line into our house had ruptured (fortunately outside) and we were dumping water into the front yard underground somewhere, and very little water was getting to the house. Not ideal. I won't bore you with all the details, but all kinds of digging, investigating and repairing followed over the next couple of days. And while the water was turned off, we lived like pioneers with containers of water. 

Rowley was super helpful while we were working in the yard - relocating things we were using:

It was actually pretty funny, we should probably have named him Bandit!

Some of my friends and I had planned a trip to a quilt store on Wednesday which is about an hour drive away, with a side trip to pick up a dinner set I had seen on Marketplace. Because of the plumbing drama, I wasn't able to go, which was super disappointing, but my lovely friends offered to pick up the dinner set for me anyway, which was so kind. I had been watching it for a while, and thought I had missed my chance to get it.

It's Copeland Spode Byron, and I just love it. It really suits the decor in my front room, and I can't wait to use it at our next dinner gathering. As all my friends know, I have an addiction to vintage china that can't be tamed, but I am going to have to temper my collecting now as I'm running out of places to put these lovely pieces!

From a quilting perspective, I've made a couple more blocks, and cut one out of a lovely toile I purchased - I'm really loving working on these Morrell quilt blocks:

This is block 57, I love how it came together - the fabrics are really crisp and fresh looking.

This is block 53 - it's much murkier looking with that mustard coloured print in there, but I love it too. It gave me flashbacks to working on the Nearly Insane quilt with all those pieces, but definitely not so tiny. 

And this is the toile block I cut out - it's from one of Karen Styles of Somerset Patchwork's collections. I was so happy to find it. I've ordered some other fabrics that should look lovely in this quilt where the toile fabrics are placed, so I'll share them with you when I get them.

Before all the plumbing chaos I also quilted and bound a small top I'd made earlier in the year, but I forgot to take a picture, so if I remember, I'll share that with you next week. I hope to also get some more time in the sewing room over the weekend, so hopefully I have some interesting things to share with you next time I check in. Chatter soon lovely friends! xox


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

we have had that water issue before too and luckily with ground getting so wet from the leaky pipes Mike was able to dig a big hole find the bad pipe and get it replaced - but yes you are living with water in containers and water bottles for the day while the repair is going on. It has happened two times here over the years at least!
Pretty dishes and quilting

cityquilter grace said...

one thing i don't miss about my house is those 'surprises' lovely china...i occasionally pick up a piece or two at the thrift just to have as they are so pretty....lovely blocks

Chris said...

You certainly are making great progress on your Morrell. I love what you are doing.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Another beautiful block for your Morrell quilt! The toile fabric is lovely, perfect for your quilt. Sorry about the water mess, thankfully it was an outside mess. The china set is so pretty, take a picture of the table setting when you use it.

Janet said...

Oh wow, what a week. You managed to accomplish at lot as always. Your blocks are gorgeous. Love the toile.
The dishes are beautiful, can't wait to see them set on the dinner table.
Rowley is soooooo cute.

kiwikid said...

Oh boy that water leak does not help the week go smoothly! Good to see you have an outdoor helper!! The dishes are lovely, good you got them and your friends are lovely for collecting them for you. Beautiful blocks!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

BUMMER ON THE WATER! Your Morrell quilt blocks are so pretty! Love the colors. Hugs

Nancy said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your plumbing problems. We had a similar experience last year. Things like that put a crimp in our everyday plans, don't they?
Dear Rowley. It takes a while to learn a puppy's or dog's personality, doesn't it? It must be such fun having a puppy.
Your blocks are so beautiful! I especially love the lightness of the first one.


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