Friday, May 28, 2021

Another week has just shot by!

That Facebook meme that talked about people going through life saying "Next week will be quieter ..." seems so appropriate at the moment, I keep hoping that my days will soon be less full. 

To that end, my quilting time has been very limited - I did manage to finally get the pattern for 'The People Quilt' crib quilt into my Etsy store - I had some requests for the pattern, so I hope you lovely folk enjoy it, and thank you for being interested!

In stolen moments I put some more hand quilting stitches in the crib quilt I started last week. It's so lovely and soft having been made from precious feedsacks and osnaburg, it will be a really nice quilt for little Mary when she gets big enough for a cot/crib.

Hand quilting is so relaxing, and I love that I'm all set up in the ladies lounge - if I have five minutes spare I can just work a few stitches without fussing about setting up and then putting things away. I am very blessed!

This week I also made up a worry quilt for a friend who is going through some hard times. In my haste to get it away I neglected to take a picture, something that I'm apt to do much too often. And that is my whole week done and dusted - I hope sometime to have more interesting things to share - soon, I promise! xoxox

1 comment:

Janet said...

Your quilting is so beautiful and perfect. You always get the quilting design to work so well with the blocks.
I am not familiar with the worry quilt, can't say I ever heard of it before. I will have to google it.
Enjoy Mary and enjoy life.


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